The Regional District of the Okanagan Similkameen covers a large and diverse landscape with a wide variety of trails including the iconic Kettle Valley Railway and a diverse network of trails used by hikers, cyclists, equestrians and off-road vehicle enthusiasts. The goal of the Regional Trails Master Plan is to provide a planning framework that serves this diversity of trails and uses.
Project Type: Trail Master Plan
Location: Okanagan & Similkameen Valleys
Client: RDOS
Contract Period: 2011-2012
Contracts Value: $50,000
Project Decsription:
The Regional District of the Okanagan Similkameen covers a large and diverse landscape with a wide variety of trails including the iconic Kettle Valley Railway and a diverse network of trails used by hikers, cyclists, equestrians and off-road vehicle enthusiasts. The goal of the Regional Trails Master Plan is to provide a planning framework that serves this diversity of trails and uses.
Our Role:
The RDOS Regional Trails Master Plan provides planning guidance for the safe management, design, construction and planning of the region’s trails. Our task included recreation planning, strategic planning, public facilitation, and GIS analysis. The strategy created provides direction in the following areas:
- Trail management in the context of government policy
- Socio-economic opportunities and conditions
- Trail design, construction, management and maintenance for all user types
- Framework for trail use conflict resolution featuring a respect-based resolution model, conflict mitigating design strategies, and patrol and enforcement as a last resort
- Risk management and the Occupiers Liability Act
- Educational and regulatory signage
- Public engagement
- Trail inventory development, enhancement and data gathering
- Marketing and promotion
- Partnerships, stewardship and project funding opportunities